
先週末2009年のリンゴ企画「山羊ボー走」がニューヨークで公演。近藤良平さん率いるメンバーと森下真樹さんのソロそしてアジアのダンス。 ニューヨークタイムズ紙に載った紹介記事です。ご興味がある方は訳してみてください。本番前のブログもhttp://yfrog.com/h43l0gj

Japan Society Contemporary Dance Showcase (Friday and Saturday) This annual showcase specializes in choreography from Japan and elsewhere in East Asia, and this year’s edition, the 14th, offers several artists whose work hasn’t been seen in the West. They include the Tokyo-based Ryohei Kondo, whose all-male troupe is performing a section of the marvelously named “Goats Block the Road”; Maki Morishita, with a solo “Tokyo Flat”; Ahn Ae-soon Dance Company, from Seoul, South Korea, with a piece fusing several forms of Asian traditional dance; and Ku & Dancer, from Taiwan, with “From Here ... to the End of the Rainbow.” 333 East 47th Street, Manhattan , (212) 715-1258, japansociety.org; $23. (Sulcas)